Chrysopoeia International Surrealist Cooperative



– Chrysopoeia is a free association of surrealist groups and individuals, artists, writers, poets, and researchers. It is not limited to or shaped by geographic, racial, or gender boundaries.

– Chrysopoeia embraces Surrealism and its developments as a comprehensive approach and seeks to develop a collaborative research context for international, multidisciplinary, multilingual practice related to all forms of independent unconscious-based expressions.

-The activities of our union will include the organization of international surrealist events, actions and publications. We will provide technical support for members, groups, publications and literary translation while ensuring the independence of participating groups.

– Surrealism relates to expressing «the real functioning of thought […] in the absence of any control exercised by reason and apart from any aesthetic or moral concern ».

– We think that not only language but the whole world in all its aspects, was given to humanity to make surrealist use of it.

“All things are called to other uses than those generally attributed to them.” – André Breton, Le Point du Jour.

– We think that surrealists should make use of whatever materials and tools that they find attractive. Whether a feather, a cloud or a computer, any single object in this world becomes a surrealist object as soon as surrealist use is made of it.

– We think that the results of surrealist activities do not have to conform to any type of listed art form, nor even to whatever is considered art.

– Restrictions regarding materials and tools, as well as compliance with traditional artistic categories are views that were already considered and experienced as obsolete by most artists of the Renaissance period. We think that an attempt to liberate the human mind may in no way be successfully achieved based on a narrower scope of practices and intellectual freedom than that which artists already acquired at that time.

-‘we are interested in how surrealism appears in everyday life, whether it’s from surrealists or not, but we understand this is not the same as a surrealist movement.”

-“We are interested in certain parallel currents that might overlap with surrealism. Surrealism may -appear- or be present- within avant-garde or popular art but it’s not necessarily the same thing.”

– We categorically reject mixing surrealism with whatever form of religion, and we reject the presence of any religious persons within the group.

– We reject any aesthetic attribute that directly or indirectly integrates into the life of this society or that would tend to reconcile with it.

– We will not be part of struggles between contemporary surrealist groups. Chrysopoeia neither aims to establish a new form of ideology nor any kind of artistic dogma. Chrysopoeia is a collaborative group whose goal is to further the liberation of the imagination.

– Realistic daily life erases the perception of the unique characteristics of objects. We will always seek to break this mechanism and its dynamics by means of words, plastic art, music and cinema or any other means.

– Collective automatism is self-contained in everyday life. It floats in the air, dissolving every entrenched and worn-out intellectual authority.

– The poem is a collective work, even if it is from one’s imagination.

– We have nothing but contempt for the guardians of grammar because they are the protectors of the heavy legacy of linguistic dependence that erases the ecstasy of all free desire.

– We support every creative act that contributes to the wondrous conquest of everyday life and the conquest of mad love. Everything that has been physically neglected in the city, and every sexual explosion that social fascism hides, is for us the dough with which we form our written and visual poems.

we have collective dreams in laboratories tanned by the corners of the sun. Every creative act is an act where the moon comforts the dead with shining tenderness. Without complacency we are scattered through huge maritime corridors, beyond our masks and resistances, outside of potions and tubes, we gather electromagnetically in the synthetic and in the natural to liberate our collective. The creation machine is activated under new surreal techniques, inside small canoes all dressed by the Milky Way. Hell can be detained in the showcase of a box, or beyond, the marvelous in the beautiful, the convulsions of crazy love in the exercise of our freedom. Flowers reveal their secrets to birds as soon as they are thirsty, and words beat grammarians in all languages.

-Surrealism is beautiful like a swan devouring a printing press in a bed of ghostly nights!

-The constellations that unite us are the nets that we cast into the sea. What we really transmit is the deep language of the inexplicable that surpasses us. We have found ourselves stranded, throwing the last compass overboard.We continue the path of despair, but we know like the shipwrecked and the discoverers of the seas that there is always someone on the other side waiting for the days of mist and salvation, or whatever that Breton said is in the future; the golden age. In that search for the gold of time, we find ourselves sitting at the table drinking wine.

– Finally, and last but not least, as a due part of our pleasures, we embrace parties, costumed or not, good humor and humor itself, whether black or in full color, in the midst of everyday life.


Founding members


La Belle Inutile


Sulfur Surrealist Jungle

La Sirena Surrealist Group

Fresh Dirt Surrealist group (Alabama)

Budapest Surrealist Society

Individuals :

Penelope Rosemont /USA

J Karl Bogartte /USA

La Donna Smith /USA

Ghadah Kamal/Egypt

Darren Thomas /Wales

Doug Campbell /Scotland

Taya King /England

Irene Plazewska /Ireland

Daina Kopp /USA

James Sebor /USA

Mohsen Elbelasy /Egypt

Verónica Cabanillas Samaniego /Peru

Richard Burke /USA

Suzan Burk /USA

Daniel O’Reilly /Spain

Esther Holbrook /Hungary

Michael the Seer /Iraq

Magdelena Benavente /Chile

Jennifer Walker/Hungary

Moheeb Al Barghothy /Palestine

Amirah Gazel /Costa-Rica

Janice Hathaway /USA


Miguel Lohle /Netherlands

Gaetano Andreoni /ITALY

Dawn Juan/Canada

Deborah Stevenson/USA

Andrei azsacra/Russia

Jaime Alfaro Ngwazi /Chile

Argenis Herrera /Costa Rica

Sam Bélanger-Leduc / Canada